Monday, April 04, 2011

The Killing Joke

He was fear, personified.

Sweat, grime and blood splattered all over the threaded fibers of his suit.
He was boiling, almost overcome with hate, blind fury emanating from the pits of his soul when he stared at his captive. The deranged green eyes of a madman in every sense of the word. A perfect, almost poetic balance to his world. Where there is no evil the good shall not shine and with out the good the evil shall not prevail. Poetic.The clown, limp as a slug was sprawled on the floor battered and bruised, tired from the running and the ragging. 

"you're all out of jokes, clown." he growled, his right arm coiled, ready to deliver the final, crunching blow.

"Hey..*cough* .. hey you know how it is, even i have to read up sometimes..*cough*. but I have one more story to tell, furball"

The caped crusader raised the clown of hiss feet, hand around his throat. 

"Ok get this..*cough* three thugs..and they're locked up in this jail cell right.. so they decide "hey lets break out!' i mean its only natural right? *cough)"

The grip tightened.

"Okay! Okay! so anyways, they break out and its dark, like really dark, like you.. and they've got like one torch-light right.. and so they run. They make it out to the city and like they're jumping on the rooftops and runnin' and they're runnin' then they come to like this *cough* like this gap between two rooftops yeah and they're like "ok.. lets use this here plank to like cross over" and so they did. See the first guy when over and then the second, and this was the guy with the torch. Right, so when the third guy is like about to corss over the lights *cough* the lights go out. Like pfffboom! hahahah! So..So like the third guy freaks out. and he's like where's the plank i can't see it! where? where? where? and the second guy goes like dude.. hahaha i'll shine the light on the plank and you can cross over. how about that? So like.. so the third guy like stares really hard and *cough* goes like. Screw you man! what if like you turn off the light when i'm crossing huh? i bet you want the plank to disappear when I'm crossing you bastards! hahahahahaha!" the Joker gurgled a laughter to his own joke.


For a moment all that could be heard was the deep breathing of the predator and the ragged wheezing of the prey. 

Then for the first time.
The first time ever...

The Batman smiled.