Wednesday, March 16, 2011

..because all children grow up, all except one.

... to his surprise, that last step he had to take before he bounded into the night sky was...painful. Peter Pan had never known pain like this. He could still feel Wendy's thimble on his cheek. The slow waltz that they had shared was a final goodbye to Wendy and the Darlings. Never will they see him again. Never will they remember the Neverland and its wonders. Peter stopped in mid air.

The cool city breeze washed over him. He could see a faint glow speeding towards him from above. Tinkerbell. Beyond the fairy, now within ear shot, Peter could see the silhouette of the Jolly Roger, his newly acquired ship after defeating the dastardly Hook and his band of Pirate fiends, floating amidst the clouds against a starry backdrop.

Tinkerbell hovered in-front of Peter Pan's eyes... She could see the pain in his leaving the Darlings. She know what he intended to do. Peter smiled as he saw the look of approval on Tinkerbell's face.Without another breath Peter turned and raced to the Darling Children's windowsill, now but a speck drowned in the lights of the city. Tinkerbell smiled after him. Wendy had made Peter do something that had never been done before. Wendy had made Peter Pan of Neverland miss her.

Within moments Peter was floating outside the Darling's house. The lights to the nursery were turned off. The window, peculiarly, was ajar and very much inviting to Peter Pan. He know it would never be, he know that no matter what, Wendy will have to grow up and eventually become a mother of her own children. Peter Pan was not here to whisk Wendy away but rather the contrary, he was here for a last glance at Wendy before he becomes nothing more than a beloved fairytale to her and her lot. Silent as a cat, Peter, once again, crept into the Darling Children's bedroom.

Michael was sound asleep, John and Wendy were no different. The silent breathing of the children were all that could be heard save for the midnight breeze blowing in through the window. Peter crept past John, brave and charming John. He would have made an excellent Lostboy. Not knowing what came over him, Peter untied his dagger from his belt and placed it below John's pillow. "Johnny boy" was not to remember Peter Pan when he woke up, but the dagger, till this day, would give John an inexplicable urge to set off on adventures small and big alike. Peter smiled, satisfied with himself . He bounded over to Wendy. Peter Marvelled at her beauty. Brushing her hair away from her face gently, Peter Pan drew closer to her. Ever so softly he whispered "I'll think of you, Wendy.. ." and turned to fly away forever. Peter was barely an inch away from the windowsill when he stopped dead in his tracks. There was still one last thing to be done...

Peter Pan, for the very last time turned and entered the Darling Bedroom. He went over to Michael, the youngest Darling child and hovered over him. Still very much a child, Michael was curled up in his blankets and slept with the tiniest of a smiles on his face. Peter reached for his feather, tethered to his cap. This feather was what had started them all on the adventure that lead Peter Pan to the Darling children. Michael was adamant about having this feather for his own until very end. Peter laughed a silent laugh. Plucking the feather from his cap, Peter Pan placed it in one of Michael's tiny palms. This was the last thing Peter Pan had to do for the Darlings before he faded away into their wildest dreams. 

Peter, with a running start, flew away from the Darling Household. He rocketed through the night sky leaving the city lights behind. After a short while, Peter caught a glimpse of the Jolly Roger and five eager heads perched on the deck. Tinkerbell was flying in circles around the ship giving the ship a magical green glow. With a soft thud, Peter Pan landed on the deck of the Jolly Roger, eagerly greeted by his Lostboys.

" I'm back boys. Now lets go home! Riddles! man the rudder!, Nosey plot a course!, Fuzzy and Wuzzy... hmmm.. get the oars ready!! and Chubby.. well Chubby, here's another apple! TO NEVERLAND BOYS" Peter shot out his orders.

"AYE! AYE! CAPTAIN! TO NEVERLAND! " the Lostboys screamed after him.

Slowly the ship set sail. Gathering speed it raced towards its destination. The full moon hung low in the night sky shining a magical glow on one and all fast asleep far below. The Jolly Roger headed towards the velvet horizon. The wind carried the glee of the Lostboys as they sailed, inching closer and closer to that mysterious island where dreams come true.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Peter Pan Revamped.