Sunday, July 25, 2010

Catching Up

Hey guys,

I'm looking back at the past 24 hours and this ear-to ear grin plasters itself on my face. The BBQ last night was kinda sorta awesome. Indeed i got drunk like 3 hours before the day ended (at 7am i hear from most) but what the hell? It was awesome.

In the end i can't remember how much i spent, but honestly, i could give a damn. I had like 15 "dude, last night was awesome, thanks" messages in my inbox this morning. Reading them made it all worth it. Big Thanks to Ravin for organizing the booze and his gracious mom for helping with the food. Thanks to yoga for booking the place and Andrew from the last minute errands. Finally, a big fat corny THANK YOU AND I FUCKING LOVE ALL OF YOU to all the people who came yesterday. The BBQ was for you!

Here's what really made it special, about 5 years ago, me and my close group of friends constantly threw BBQs and gatherings at the very same spot we had the BBQ yesterday. These past few years, for various insignificant reasons, we haven't been getting together like this. When i threw this BBQ, i saw all my close friends again all in the same place. The same small group of friends i had the last time plus all the friends i've met along the way all these years.


All in all i had a blast.
Can't wait to do this all over again!

I'll see you guys all real soon!