Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Iron Man 2

Hey guys,

Ok so i finally went to watch Iron man 2 yesterday.

OK i was very critical when i went into the cinema. See Marvel has done exceptionally well when it comes to fucking up its historic comics. X-men, Punisher, The Hulk, Fantastic Four and especially Spider-man. I mean it takes skill for you to totally demolish your legacy like that. As of now, unless they do a franchise reboot, our young ones will grow up thinking that VENOM is actually that wimpy guy from That 70's Show. Sad. 

However, if there was one and only one franchise that Marvel did right, it was Iron Man. Iron Man was awesome,Jon Favreau did an amazing job in recreating the (My)comic hero in every bit as realistic as he could. Iron Man fans worldwide sang praises. Thus when the trailers ended today and the movie started, i had an open mind. Expecting the best. 

I was a little let down i must admit. Don't get me wrong, overall i still think Iron Man 2 is very good film and that Marvel did do a good job a second time around. Just not as much of a good job as it did with the first movie. Here, let me break it down.

The Plot was rather well scripted. One major villain and another side villain. The locations and cinematography were impressive and the CGI was top notch. Thank god they didn't convert the film into 3D or they'd have made it sad like the Clash of the Titans.

They did a GREAT job in casting Whiplash as the villain. He was always the underdog amongst Iron Man's Villains albeit one of Iron Man's deadliest. The proton whips (OK they were more like Tesla whips in the movie) were damn cool to see in action. Damn good job there..and Mickey Rourke was perfect for the role. One of the best Marvel villains to be brought to the big screen, undoubtedly.  

Casting Scarlett Johanssen as the Black Widow was not the best idea though. I mean Scarlett is HOTTT. that's for sure, but she's a little curvy for the role. The Original Natasha Romanov A.K.A The Black widow, was lean. She as a world class ballerina and nothing about Scarlett says Ballerina, honestly. Another turn off about the Black Widow was that the character didn't touch on the main aspect that gave her the name Black Widow. (In fact "black widow" was only mentioned once in the film". The Black Widow was not only a master of disguise, she was an unparalleled seductress. Thus her name. I didn't see any seduction on screen, only a lot of really cool Marshal Arts. This isn't Karate Kid III.

The only major let down for me in the movie was War Machine. War machine is one of my favourite characters of all time. More so than Iron Man even. A character with a rich history and strong moral compass. But it seems like it's a tradition for Marvel to destroy all my beloved characters..first it was Venom, now War Machine. Let me explain.

Firstly it was quite stupid the way James Rhodes came across the armour. He didn't actually. He just sort of .. took it. It wasn't even referred to as the War Machine. For all you know some dumb 7 year old might have called it "grey colour Ion man!". There was no Silver to the Armour. It was just..dull. I mean they did it some justice with the mounted mini-gun and stuff but that was it. I get it that it's
Iron Man 2 and not War Machine.. but come on! They can do better than that! There was no War Machine patch, no rocket pods, no quippy comments. The original War Machine sounded like Mr. T from the A-Team was in it.. this one sounds like.. well the guy from Hotel Rowanda. Let down. I waited 2 years for this. By the way, for those who missed this, and i know most of you did because even i had to watch it a few times to get it... the graphic schematics that are displayed at the end of Iron Man during the credits are actually the designs of the War Machine.Ironically the War Machine was not built by Stark Industries in the move but instead, Hammer Industries. In conclusion, The Invincible War Machine didn't seem so invincible. Sad. Sad.

All in all it was a good movie worth the money and time. However i guess the first movie left shoes a little too big for its predecessor to fill.