Friday, April 30, 2010

Artistic Director

Hey guys,

I'm going through my 6th cup of coffee.
Not good.
My better judgement is screaming in my head.
"go to sleep"
I can't.
I'm like in the zone or something.

Sounds like the trailer to some Vin Diesel movie, i know.

But over the week I've built up this momentum, this emotional locomotion.
There's only 2 things I've effectively been doing the whole week.
Work, which i think actually is killing my brain cells and Peter Pan. 
Its Peter Pan that's on my mind 24/7 though. 

I'm up at 4.30AM typing this as a
break from what I've been doing the past 4 hours or so.
Its Friday today, the last day I've set for myself to FINISH the Peter Pan script.

Its not the typing that's hard. It's the writing. Two totally different things. Typing was what my team and i did a few months ago. No direction, just idea after idea that we literally weaved into scene after scene. End product: Good story, not so good a script. We didn't, I realized, put our heart into it. We invested effort and not love. 

Here's what snapped me out of this. 
My Cast members.

I have an amazing, charismatic Peter Pan, so full of life and so ready to shine.
I have a beautiful, talented Wendy who, in every definition, is making the character into a person.
I have the most adorable Tinkerbell who is filled to the brim with talent.
I have a tall handsome John, always singing and always there with a smile.
I have a Michael, a little bundle of talent and apparently the ladies man of the lot. 
I have a beautiful, graceful talented Tigerlily devoted as ever.
I have a bombastic, simply explosive Captain Hook that's bringing to life one of my childhood favorites.
I have a smart, handsome Smee that's made for Captain Hook.
I have a Fuzzy and a Wuzzy who are in every way, made for each other, on and off stage.
I have a Nosey that's, in real life, a kaypoh!
I have a Riddles who has his own show!
I have 3 beautiful, amazing, talented Pirate Mermaids (they play pirates and mermaids) who are always making everyone laugh.

All in all I have a nuclear explosion that I call my cast and typing a script just won't do. It won't
I need to give them a story. I need to write them a story. Great actors deserve a great script.

This time round, things are going to be different. I've poured in love and dedication to my words. I've emptied all my fantasies and humor into the lines and dialogue. I want this version of Peter Pan to be the one i tell my kids when i put them to sleep a decade from now.

 I've found my motivation and I'm not about to let it slip from me. 

To my dear Crew members:

I type this not as your Director but as your friend and fellow AFT member. We're a family, like it or not. My Dad always says that for anything to work in a family there has to be love. Look not at the workload you have as a burden, instead look at it as an investment. Love what you are doing. Do it because it enthralls you, captivates you. I LOVE what I'm doing. When i see a scene come together it just warms my heart. Every. Single. Time. I hope when you write a song or build a box set you find love in doing it. Art is love. Remember that. I hope when you ask for funding or sponsorship you do it for something you love. I have been harsh and I shall be harsh if the need be, I shall not apologize. But i honestly tell you, i do it because its my job..

..and i swear to you..
I love my Job.