Monday, April 12, 2010

Week ends here

Hey guys,

Its been a pretty good weekend this week.
Really good.

Rehearsals went moderately well save for the absence of a few cast and crew members.
Small setback. I however managed to do basic blocking for the first 2 scenes. So i had a good clean smile on me the whole of saturday. Warm regards to Kanitha and Sameer as well as Cheryl for making the scene a reality with relative ease. I hope its this way for the rest of the musical.. even though i know its the opposite.

Soundwave rehearsals are going pretty well too. We've officially completed our segment. From now its practice! practice! practice!. Hats off to our Maestro Praven, who's doing an excellent job. Show's on Tuesday! Today's like the last day of practice!. This should be fun!

Ravin got all of us hooked on Battlefield 2 now. I've always like battlefield being a gen 1 player. 1942 was one of the most revolutionary games to hit the industry back when it came out in 2004. Its a pleasant surprise to see the L4D2 gang getting so enthusiastically involved in BF2. Even Shanty was rocking this game.

Happy Birthday to Sarasu. May you be blessed with whatever you want out of life and more. Thank you for always being there and the mostly good advice you give always. Even though you team-killed me twice today with the tank i still love you unconditionally. Congrats on the book publishing. No jokes this time and i think i speak for all your loved ones when i say we're so effin' proud of you and i am looking for my autographed copy.

The weekend just ended with more BF2. Crashing over at Ravin's. He promised to NOT sleep aaaaaaand he slept. Its ok. I'm just gonna do some obscene stuff over his face after i'm done with this post. Yes. Mental image. Good. 

Have to go now. Taylor Swift is playing over the Itunes again. Must go kill myself