Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Summing up

Hey guys,

I find life a little repetitive these days.
Its like someone hit the loop button on the DVD. Its always work, Peter pan, work, AFT, work, Facebook, work.. so on.

I feel like something's a miss and i just can't put a finger on anything.

I've always, when i was much younger, thought that 21 was the life of a Rockstar.. filled with excitement, romance, adventures.. i don't know.. just stuff. I guess the most humbling part of life is growing up. If i don't do something to break this momentum of boredom then well i might just pull a "Britney" soon.

The weekend was great but utterly draining. 
I actually went without sleep for 2 days straight and i can still feel the side effets of that. On that note i'd like to say another belated Happy birthday to Mohnish. Welcome to the 21 family. Thank you so much for that amazing party!

In other news:
I've been reading Tuesdays with Morrie. I think its an amazing book. However, i'm actually exposed to Buddhist theology and as such i didn't think the book was an "eye opener" like what some of my peers, mainly bacon, swear by. All in all a big thanks to Chrissy for loaning me the book (and slipping in a letter). I should be done with the book by this Saturday!

Peter Pan has been going smoothly i guess, rehearsals anyways. I need to pick up the pace but i honestly am struggling a little. Its a little daunting sometimes... but every time i do blocking for a scene or see my cast and crew generally enjoying themselves in each others company it warms my heart. Gives me strength to push forth and do a good job. Oh and a big thank you to Sameer and Mus to take time off and give me pointers on the script. I really appreciate it and your "we're all AFT" attitude really touched me. All your points have been taken into consideration and i assure you will be acted upon. Thanks guys!

There's actually one more thing gnawing at me.
Something thats been on my mind for a very long time and i have no idea on how to go about dealing with it.
I'd blog it down here but i think its a little sensitive. I know this is my personal space and i'm entitled to say whatever i want but i don't think i would want to use that liberty to hurt anyone, intentionally anyways..

I guess eventually i'd come around to it..