Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love in retrospect.

Hey guys,

Ok i have to tell you about this movie i watched today. Its a Tamil movie, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa (Will you come across the skies). I know its not common for me to go crazy about a Tamil movie much, but this particular movie simply astounded me. Astounded. 

Its a simple story: A budding director, Karthik, falls instantly in love with a girl, Jessie, he meets for the first time, however, they are of different religious backgrounds, the boy a Hindu and the girl a catholic. This proves to be much of an issue with both their families. The movie revolves around the love that these two characters find in each other and subsequently the collapse of their relationship. It centers around the different perspectives of the characters on the relationship they share and eventually the reason for their romance failing.
Both of these perspectives are so beautifully expressed that at the climax you are compelled to understand both the characters reasoning and actions.

I guess one reason why this movie strikes close to home is that i can empathize with both characters in a very personal way. Over the past year I've fallen both madly in love and sadly out of it. It took me some time to understand what went wrong and what needs to come next. This movie beautifully puts the entire process in film. 

I walked out with a stupid grin on my face today. The songs, composed by the legendary A.R Rahman, who is the greatest musician to walk the planet as far as i'm concerned, are light and blissful but enriched with imagery and meaning. Instantly i got reminded of all the beautiful things i experienced in a relationship and how i came to terms with them not being there anymore. Its like a validation of what happened in my life and i'm sure in the lives of many people worldwide. 

 To end it all of, the movie reminds me of a saying i came across once. 

" Love happens only once. The rest is just life."