Saturday, March 20, 2010

Here we go again.

Hey guys,

I just got home from the first ever Peter Pan Rehearsal. 
I picked today, the 20th of March for it being a convenient day for all of us to come down.
I had absolutely overlooked the significance of today.. this weekend actually.

Today is the One Year anniversary of the staging of Cinderella Revamped.

How uncanny, a new beginning of a new journey a year after the end of the old one.

I was not my usual self today. 
The moment i woke up i just sat there and stared out the window for a good 10 minutes..
Just processing the significance of today.

When i reached the CC this morning and saw all the Cast and Crew stream in for rehearsal i couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I was a little nervous, true. Cinderella left Peter Pan rather big shoes to fill; and as a growing Arts Company, Its AFT's job to not only fill those shoes but also to enlarge them. Not easy. However, not impossible.

I never actually did this,
Reflected on Peter Pan as the Artistic Director.
Its always been, Our project. Our blood, sweat and tears.

Its never been my Peter Pan .

But i guess as the Artistic Director, i have a certain bond to this project that the others will not have. I thought about this on the way back home just now. I've been blessed with an amazing crew of which include my closest, most personal friends. I've been blessed with a star-studded (as far as i'm concerned) Cast consisting of new, talented, jovial and amazingly fun people mixed with the familiarity and warmth of those i have worked with from Cinderella and  Its heart warming to see these two groups of people mixing and mingling all in the name of the arts and ultimately friendship. I saw Sameer talking.. or attempting to talk to Shawn, our 9 year old actor, the youngest cast member. Absolutely funny!

Cinderella was one of the most amazing experiences of our lives, i am sure of it. I miss the old gang. The entire mismatched cast of Cinderella Revamped. I wished Suadz and Isabelle and Issac and Deepa were all here for Peter Pan. It would be awesome but i realized that the most treasured thing we took away with us from those 10 months of hardship is friendship. I'm gonna be honest here, i totally overlooked and actually forgot that today was the anniversary. Honestly can you blame me? we see each other 5/7 days a week, we're on the phone with each other almost every time we're not meeting, all of us are in a extremely close knit network of friends and we talk (and sing) about Cinderella almost every other time we're together. You know why this weekend is just another weekend to me?

... because AFT met yesterday, we're meeting today, We'll be meeting tomorrow and we are most likely meeting on Monday too..

Anniversaries are meant to be celebrated once a year. We do it everyday.