Friday, February 26, 2010


Hey guys,

Just watch the trailer.
I've already watched the movie and its freakin hilarious!
The theme song, something you'll here every 5 seconds when you watch the movie, is so deeply stuck in my head that it plays back whenever i enter a room or do something stupid.. which i totally don't do anymore.. because its stupid..


Watch the movie.

Oh and on the topic of Classics..
I've been Head deep in Half Life again.
Yep. Managed to get the CD from Prabs.. who only managed to play it till the 6th level (there are 190 levels) but thats alright. She's GTA-ing right now. 

See here's what i did..
Gamer pride.
Gamer pride made me select the "Hard" difficulty setting when i played the game this time around.
Half Life is one of the most detailed player oriented games this side of history. That and the fact that i hadn't played the game in say.. 10 years? literally meant that "Hard" actually translated to "Ass-Rape" for me.

Total. Ass. Rape.

I find myself constantly bleeding all over and with little or no bullets.

I'm pistol whipping my way through aliens and army dudes mixed with automatic machine guns. Throw in a tank or two and a handful of helicopter gunships and invisible assassin chicks with big bad guns.
Basically everything that moves, wants to kill me. Overkill much?

Yoga asked me what the storyline was when i was on the phone with him earlier. This is the storyline. The story is made up of one main character (me) and 300 other characters that want to kill me. Thats it. Thats all there is to VALVe. From Half Life, the first game they created to Left 4 Dead 2, the most recent the plots is all the same: Everyone wants to kill you.

The whole time you're reading this i'm probably in my room Mountain Dew in hand with a half eaten sandwich  somewhere near me power-leveling through Half Life dying about 45 times in the process. Don't believe me? Call.

(Dynamite! Dynamite!)