Thursday, August 13, 2009

Isabelle Love Saritha


Nobody in this world is perfect. Nobody is birthed without problems and nobody is happy all the time. The strength of the human spirit is beyond anything you or I can understand. Darling, all of us fall...all the time. Its not why we fall that's important. Instead its how we pick ourselves up.

There will always be people in life you can always count on. People who are there for you day and night. You have a loving and beautiful family that even in hard times will always be there for you. The Suagabelles, Saras and your Jellybelly. Kanitha, Ravin, Thana, the rollerz!. You have your misfits to get your back and most importantly.. you have your three brothers.

The love i see in Issac's eyes whenever he see's you moves me time and again. Sometimes he may seem busy and sometimes he's "panna" irritating...but i know for a fact that Flow would do ANYTHING in the world to make you smile (trust me.. he needs you more than you need him!). Me.. like what you said a few hours ago... I'm family. I love you so much and as the "Eldest" of the brothers i think and worry about you day in and day out.

Isabelle, i know you have so many problems. I know that sometimes keeping everything to yourself seems like the best thing to do. I as a one person may not be able to solve all of them.. but i can promise you i can try. It may seem hard and scary, but try and talk to someone.. . ANYONE in our AFT family. We laugh with you when you're happy so we won't leave you when you're sad..

The ATF loves you so much and none of us want to see our little spider hurt.

When i was having a problem before my BBQ earlier this year and everybody was (in the spirit of helping) more interested in the how the problem was going to affect everyone and ruin the day. You were the first to worry about how I was feeling. I won't forget that. You let me know that whatever decision i made you were going to trust me and be there for me.

I'm going to do that for you now.

I'm not pissed.
I don't care what problems you're having.
I'm not even disappointed anymore.

I'm just gonna trust you to make good decisions and be there for you no matter what.
Its my job as a Big Brother to catch you when you fall.
So I'm gonna be doing my job.

Mani, anything i have is yours.
The black hoodie has some sentimental value but its yours as soon as you wanted it.
I only give it to you because you asked.
...because no amount of sentimental value is worth that silly grin on your face when i saw you with the hoodie just now.

I love you so very much Mani.
I care and worry for you.
I'm there for you whenever you need me.

As far as I'm concerned you're my youngest sister and seeing you in pain means i've failed as a brother.
I don't want to fail as a brother.

I WAS sad
I WAS disappointed.

Not anymore.
I can't be.

So i need you to smile and be strong for a little while longer.
Your problems will all be over..just a little more time.

Love you more,
Isabelle Love Saritha.


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