Sunday, July 05, 2009


Hey guys,

OK my foot is officially killing me.
Played street soccer off duty in camp(barefoot -.-) last Thursday... must have stepped on something sharp, like a rock or a piece of glass or something.. Me and JR suffered the worst cuts, mine being the worst apparently. God damn thing is literally keeping me up all night! I've been ignoring it till the nurse at home noticed swelling. I know, I'm not too smart in the dude-you-feet-are farkin-swollen department apparently... so yeah.

Speaking of departments..
I have somehow landed myself as Artistic director for the next Musical production in December next year.

Peter Pan!

What i would need from my beloved albeit mispositioned reader base is brave volunteers to step forward and offer their lives to me as my cast and crew. Arteen Furteens (AFT) is always welcoming new talent with open arms and empty pockets...

Seriously though, Cinderella Revamped was a magical journey that left me with the sweetest memories I've ever had to live with all my life.. not to mention the extended family i find myself entangled in. I urge all you budding prima donas and theater wizards to come join us for the Peter Pan Journey. If there's one thing my AFT does better than anything else on earth is that it gives you this unbreakable sense of belonging and love. Regardless of how skeptical you may be, i promise you ...join us and you will end up is some RC in the heartlands throwing a rugby ball around at obscene hours in the morning...and like it.

I need actors, stage crew, tech crew, costume people, makeup crew, publicity and canvassing people, musicians, water/chocolate waffle guys and even one or two child slaves..of which we might have already covered base.. as long as you feel like doing something, we'll find you something to do. .

So Peter Pan aside, i have camp to worry about..
The ORD countdown is up and running.. much to ravin's gory horror i know..
Just a few more inching months of tanks and guns and grease and Cookhouse food.

Just a few more months.

Watching Gundam 00 now.
Thats what you do.. when you're dead broke, physically impaired, hypnotized by the rain and sleep watch classic anime. Not the weird childish crap that's on re-run on OKTO...real classic anime. Might start on Gatekeepers if i can find some links..

Note: Serena..we haven done a countdown in aaaages.. hint..hint..poke..poke.. scratch.