Sunday, January 25, 2009

No regrets

Hey guys,

OK, i hate to be all drama and all, but its kinda the last day of my teenage years today.
As expected, i have no idea how to react to that.. .
Something tells me its not such a good thing. I don't know why.

Maybe I'm too used to a 1 in my age.
10 years is kinda hard to break away from.

At this point I've got no regrets. The past 10 years have been great. Like really.
I guess when you're looking back on the past decade you tend to learn much about yourself.
You get a closer look at your strengths and weaknesses, your trials and tribulations. You kinda get an idea of what you've shaped yourself to be. Teenagers have the greatest gift of all: Mystery

Its that element of mystery when you're a teen that gives you the flavor in life.
Doing things you've never done before.

Remember the first time you skipped school? the feeling of guilt mixed with excitement and revolution. Remember the first time you had a crush on someone? the first time you caught yourself grinning to hell and back when she/he walked by.. . Remember the time you fell in love for the first time? Damn that feeling was good. Remember Booze and your first piercing?

I'm not saying that life's all boring and all. I mean 20 is just a number, we've still got a whole world out there to see and touch, but its not gonna be the same. We have lesser first times to experience.

I look at myself ten years ago.
The round dark kid with a mouth too big for his own good. Getting into trouble with the rest of the world day in day out.

10 years on i ask myself.
Whats changed?


Same guy i was decade ago.
Same guy am today.
Probably the same guy I'm gonna be for the rest of my life.

Save much more of the world to get into trouble with.

The poetic thing about all this is that when i turn 20 I'm gonna do it with a rifle, gear and ugly green uniform walking into a freakin urban jungle in the middle of the freakin night... Sad but symbolic. I guess i realized I'm not a kid anymore when they gave me a gun. hAh.

For what its worth..
I had fun these past few years.
I've set the bar pretty high.

Now i've got another 10 years to raise that bar higher.
Hello 20

The Nathan Show would like to wish its maker and owner a very happy 20th birthday and wish him all the best because when this post is being read he would be in camp rotting the last fuckin hours of his teenage existance doing guard duty in a camp with nobody inside. Yep. Nobody. Godspeed oh great one.