Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Misfits

Hey guys,

Here's my life these past few months.
I book in to camp on Sundays.
Start work on Mondays.. .
I go through SHIT all throughout the week. Seriously all kinds of shit.

I feel lonely sometimes.
I have all the friends in the world. Like really good friends.
Friends that to me, are family.
I have my own family.

I have all but i feel lonely.
I miss my people when I'm in camp.
Even more so these days.

I work long hours for crappy pay.
I live in pathetic conditions in camp and every night before i sleep i pray that the next day comes faster then the previous one did.

Then slowly, Friday comes.
Slog all day with only one thing in mind.
book out.

Finally i book out on Friday.
I'm too tired to do anything, so i force myself to go home and sleep because i know I'm gonna need all the energy for the next day.

Then Saturday comes.
Then i see my MISFITS.

Then its ALL WORTH IT.

Here's a note to all my MISFITS.
Yes i said MY, because that's the way it is for me.
You guys are not just a group of kids i see every weekend. You guys are family. I am happy, truly happy to be part of you guys. I am insanely proud of you guys for today. Rehearsals went well and its all because of you guys.

Misfits, i know you're tired. I know you guys are sacrificing much time and energy. Everyone else thinks you guys are always full of energy all the time. I'm the one that knows that that's not always true. I've seen you guys at your peak and at your lowest. I know what you guys have to do to be who you are.

Misfits i want you guys to always know that i've got your back.
I may yell at you, i may scream at you, but trust me when i say i deeply love you.

Please keep the fire burning guys. After today i know your spirits are high. The big day is only 7 weeks away. 7 weeks. We're better than everyone out there. In 7 weeks we gonna show the world that.

Stick together guys. Always remember that you guys are friends first. That comes before anything else. Show each other the love and respect that you guys deserve. Look out for each other. Spider, Mole, Digger, Stink, Bling, Oz, Big Mama, Eric and Ella won't be there forever... but trust me when i say this..

The MISFITS are Forever!