Friday, October 22, 2010

Worth it.

Hey guys,

I know i haven't used my blog for any emotional release lately.
Its the bottle of Whiskey, i swear.

Its just that with work and Peter Pan and the recent death in my family, yes there was a death in the family, i've been too caught up with life to actually sit down and blog about it. For the past hour or so i've been looking through my past entries, just randomly picking a day and reading about it. Its like reading my own biography. Very interesting. I can tell how much i've changed over 6 years and how much i'm still the same. The people , the places and the habits have all at some point changed. Very... refreshing.

I realized that i used to be a person untouched by the world. Yes i mean world and not woman, world. 16 was a very emotionally gripping year for me. Then i realized that the only reason i was an emotional roller-coaster was because EVERYTHING was new to me. Falling in love, Heartbreak, working hard for a goal, meeting friends and losing friends, even drinking. Everything was so new. When I look at it now, everything seems trivial. Age has given me wisdom and knowledge but kept that bumbling fool very much intact.

I really admire the youths of today. No i'm not old and haggard, but you can't deny, regardless of any argument, that todays youths are way more smarter and independent than i was back in the mid 2000s.

This post is a reminder to myself.
A time capsule.
I know that sometime down the road i'm gonna sit at my desk with (hopefully) a much better computer and a Hot girlfriend and look back at this post..

all i have to say to the future Padmaanaathan is this:

It was all worth it.

P.S: Happy Birthday Parmes