Monday, October 18, 2010

Semper Fi

To SCT Yogaraj Mohandas,

I feel you deserve a shout out on The Naathan Show. I mean come one, none of you would actually admit this but a fuck-load of people read this blog and i feel i should say this so everyone can know what your closest friends think of you, more importantly, what i think you.

I am proud of you. I've VERY proud of you. You're a Special Forces trooper.
Special Fucking Forces. Thats a DREAM for many of us guys out there..

Your level of determination is what most captivates me. I've seen what you can do. 
I KNOW what you can do.
Best recruit is not an easy achievement, not in a world of "carry balls" and "dark skinned", no. If you got it, you know you're doing something right. I remember another achievement of yours too:

AISS, 2005, ODDS, Black and White play.
Here's what you said, a joke you made really, that i remember with a smile on my face till this day. Remember when the whole play had to re-written a few days before the performance? Everyone in the drama room were dead bodies. Morale was fucking low. I remember when Rama was bitching to you about reality you said

"Eh fuck it la, they don't want to act their problem laa! I'll do all the roles! Black and White play starring Yoga! only."

I remember laughing my ass off that day.

I only bring this up today because i want YOU to realize what we all do.

This is not a motivational message. Not to you its not. Motivation come from within. You already have that motivation. Here's what i know.

I know every character and over 300 ships, planets and plots from the STARWARS saga.
I know what not to do when shanty is walking around
I know how it is to eat vegetables. only. fuck.

I know Yogaraj Mohandas is gonna get ass-raped by his commander on his 72 klik Route march to get his RED BERET which he's not gonna be able to take off because he's too shagged to even walk.

Listen here kid, You're not the only one shagged and aching. Everyone in that bunk of yours is. Just like how everyone in that bunk want to be the best, you HAVE to be your best. Tired and heavy hearted today is gonna turn into pride and glory in 8 months. I booked into camp with as much pain and heartache when i was in the army too. You of all people should know that. Now its your turn, your shot. I can't fly for you but I'll be gunning for ya, Your Spotter. Remember the hours we spoke when i was on duty? yeah, just like how you were there on the line, i'm gonna be there,

Sameer and the boys

We're all gonna be there. 

You just need to give your best.
Blood, sweat, Tears and Semen.

I want to see that 3 stripes. Heck 3 BARS even.

You of all people CAN and WILL do it.

MCs are for the weak. 

You're my bro. Family. 
I WON'T stand to see you lose sight of the red beret even one bit.
No. Freakin. way.

As a ranking specialist, This is my DIRECT ORDER to you, Soldier.
Suit up.
Lock and Load.
I'll see you at the finish line. 

3SG (NS) Padmaanaathan Kalai Maran
Ar. Tech
4th Singapore Armored Brigade