Saturday, September 04, 2010

Hello.. hey you... yeah you over there..

Hey guys,

This is sad.
I was gonna hit the sack when i decided to check Facebook for updates.. (its a habit. so sue me)
I was seriously disappointed with MANY of my friends.
I saw a bunch of guys, being jerks, posting out shout-outs about how women suck, and women are here to suck your happiness and that it sucks to fall in love yada yada.. then i scroll further down.. and i see twice as many GIRLS posting up that same things about guys..


All i have to say to you guys is this.


No seriously.. fuck you and your view of life.. literally fuck every thing that you stand for.
Seriously, it takes someone with an EQ of a squirrel and the maturity of Justin Bieber to post out such degrading and hurtful things about the opposite sex... really?

Is that all the respect you have for your fellow man or woman?
Is that all thats needed to change your hypocritical perspective of life?: ONE.BAD.EXPERIENCE?

Boo hoo... someone comes along and breaks your miserable heart and BAM! you now officially hate half the species..

Does that sound a tad bit shallow to you?

I've had more than my fair share of hiccups with girls and love and everything in between..
Wanna know why I don't lash out at the world?

Today morning, my sister spent like half and hour waking me up for work even though it was he afternoon shift and she could have slept in.. My mom, amidst her hectic schedule never fails to call me and ask me if i wanted dinner. My best friend Saras, even though we argue ALL THE TIME has never, not ever, failed to be there for me in all the years I've known her.. My other best gal Serena has ALWAYS given me rock solid advice and the best listening ear throughout all these years. Suady, though i hardly see her, never fails to give me a peck on my cheek before she leaves, just like she never fails to remind me that i'm her big brother.

Now WHY the FUCK would I disgrace such amazing women by posting up nonsense where the whole world can see?

...but this post isn't about them.
This one's for all you other retards out there..

Love hurts?

Love never hurts.
I had freaking WINGS on my back and MORPHINE in my blood when i was in love.
Love doesn't hurt.

Rejection hurts, retards.

So don't be hating on love just because you choose to place importance on the motherfuckers that broke your heart..

Think about this the next time you think you've got something nasty to say about the other sex.

Retarded fucks.

I'm gonna go sleep now.