Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Celebrating Love

Hey guys,

So Valentines day is over.
See here was my original plan.
Wake up early, meet up with Claire, have a nice breakfast, go home and eventually slip back into the natural grind of things.


Here's what happened,
After the breakfast date i went down to Sunplaza for a Music Department Meeting.
Prabs, this guy Dax, Kanitha, Praven and Yoga were all there.

Meeting on Valentines day?

I had a meeting on my birthday.

So anyways,
The gang was headed toward Bugis to watch My Name is Khan, an amazing movie.
I had plans at home so i was gonna give it a miss.
Then Saras showed up and offered to pay for my tickets..(i wonder why)..

So yeah, Valentines day was with my close friends this year.
Pretty good way of spending it actually.

I mean think about it..
Its hard out there..
Its never easy to go out there and find someone to love exclusively.

Think about it..
I'm not going to say relationships are over-rated.
Relationships are beautiful.. i know.. for a fact.

But we tirelessly put ourselves out there, exposed to heartbreak and faliure only to see a small margin of success. Success as in finding someone to share your heart with, not your bed. See and when you do find someone special, you go through this scrupulous process of pleasing them and impressing them to a point where they would feel absolutely comfortable to be around you so that you'd have someone to spend your days with unconditionally..

See that's when i realized,
That's EXACTLY what i have with my friends right now.

So for all the couples out there.. i hope you had a romantic, blissful Valentines Day this year.

..and for all those who don't have a special someone.. grab a few beers, a kick-ass DVD, invite some friends over and celebrate the love you've already found. 

That said, if you're a hot chick and you're reading this and you really need someone to show you a good time.. call me.. my friends would totally understand.. totally