Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hey guys,

January has been a month of decisions.
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
What i wanna do. Where i want to go.
Where i'm gonna go study, where i'm going to go work.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

I'm beginning to like this January.
Its one thing to say that NS makes you a man but what NS actually does is polish your perspective.
I'm looking at the world a lot differently now. I'm seeing whats happening at home and with my friends more intimately. Something that i couldn't do when i was in the armt.

Problems are nothing new to me.. to my family.
Its whats brought us closer to each other. Its whats made us realize that there no one but ourselves that we can depend on. Problems are just another part of our daily cycle, as it is, i suppose, with everyone out there. Right now though, we're looking at problems that need a little more time to pull through.

Money, respect, pride. You name it and its an issue at home right now.
My mom keeps yelling at me to stop making fun of everything, to stop being cynical.
When all else fails at least you have humor right i mean i'd rather die laughing then all depressed right?

One major decision that i've had to make was regarding my 21st birthday. Typically the 21st birthday calls for a celebration of sorts. I'm all up for this, i mean who wouldn't want a party right? But the amount of unrest that this topic is causing in my family is frankly pissing me off. I''ve never been the cause of a problem here and i don't intend to be.

As such I've decided to call any fancy party or celebration off. I find absolutely no meaning is throwing away money on something superficial when both money and peace of mind is so scarce at home. Besides, when i told me mom this she said OK immediately. That kinda shows how much they wanted to "celebrate" right? Haha

Joey's right after all. Its after all only a birthday.
I mean i've never had a birthday party ever, but ALL my birthdays have been Awesome.

As it is i believe I've made the right decision.

Oh by the way the other major decision i made was to finally clean my room. Its life altering you know.. i never knew i was sleeping with spiders, ants and a rather questionable bug thingy.. .

Oh and i want to get a hamster and name it Awesome.