Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hey guys,

See my friend Ganesh ran into some girl trouble like 3 years ago and i wrote a really lame point/counter-point entry for him. Now, one of my dear friends in camp, a certain CPL Vinnod, is going through the same trouble.

I was looking through some of my past entries when i just happen to stumble upon this. I figured i'd dedicate this entry to Vin.. at the very least he's have something to laugh about..

Please ignore the first part of the Entry.. i was young, naive, hormonal.. whatever..
Just go straight to the point /counter-point segment.

Having said that the post is a meaningful one.. i meant every word i said and till this day, regardless of whatever happened between then and now, i hold those last few words close to my heart.

Take Care CPL Vinnod, and remember...

Guard duty on Friday.
I'll kill you if you're late.

I will.. -.-