Saturday, May 30, 2009


Alpha Scouts area.
34meters between current location and opposing target building.
Alpha takes up cover stance.
Signals for Bronco and Charlie to move to target location.
Cues Bronco to move first.
Bronco moves to opposite landing.

Cover shots fired.
Signals for Charlie to move to opposite landing.

Cover shots fired.
Bronco and Charlie Set up all round defense.

Alpha moves to the target location.
Cover shots fired.

Team 1 regroups and re-loads.
Alpha moves.

Team 1 reaches Staircase A.
Alpha moves up one landing and takes point.
Bronco and Charlie move up to the second landing and takes point.

Alpha moves up a landing and team 1 regroups.
Level 2 Staircase A secured.

Bronco moves up a landing and takes pint.
Alpha and Charlie move up to the fourth landing and take point.
Bronco moves up to the fourth landing and Team 1 regroups.

Level 3 Staircase A secured.

Equipment check.
Team 1 radios position back to command.

Target identified to be on level three.
Team 1 moves.
Alpha on point. Bronco on scan and Charlie on cover.

Door spotted on left on corridor.
Enemy spotted at doorway.
Contact front.
Alpha ducks.
Bronco fires 3 shots.
Target neutralized.

Contact to the rear.
Charlie spots Enemy coming from behind.
Charlie fires 3 shots.
Target neutralized.

Team 1 storms the room.
Alpha coves blind spot.
Bronco covers Genera Area.
Charlie covers.

Room Secure.

Shots fired in the corridor.
Alpha takes a peek.
Primary target spotted running into room at far end.
Door is shut and Primary target is undertood to be enclosed in room.
Bronco radios Command.
Command gives the Engage order.

Corridor considered hostile.
Target is weapons free and on full auto.

Alpha fires directly at the door at the end of the corridor.
Enemy fire is suppressed with cover fire.
Alpha gives signal for Charlie and Bronco to secure the door.
Charlie and Bronco move down the corridor to take positions on either side of the door.
Alpha continues firing at the door while moving down the corridor.
Alpha take position with Bronco on the right side of the door.

Team on reloads.

Alpha prepares Fragmentation Grenade.


Alpha Kicks down the door.
Rolls a Grenade in.
Pulls back for cover.
Braces for explosion.

Rock n roll.

Dust settles.

Alpha rushes on on semi automatic fire to take blind spot.
Bronco rushes in on semi automatic fire to take General Area.
Charlie covers.

Primary target is identified.
Target confirmed as neutralized.
Team 1 regroups and reloads.
Team 1 radios in to Command.

Target neutralization is acknowledged.
Mission accomplished.

Evacuation plan is relayed to Alpha.
Landing Zone is identified and marked.
Chopper Evac. ETA in 15 minutes.

Team 1 moves.

In dedication to a close friend of mine.
Leader. Soldier. Brother.

We sure had good times eh?
Just remember man.
Don't play with Grenades ever again.


See you around Alpha.