Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey guys,

Life's going back to normal.
..a concept that i've come to forget these past months.. .

I guess the Arteen Furteens gang have all come to terms that CinderElla's over.
I know i have.

Life's opening up again.
All of a sudden i'm facing problems, both in work and back home, that i've had the pleasure of forgetting all these months.

Bittersweet feels pretty good.

Missing Herbie much these days.
Sure i talk to her everyday, but i never was much of a phone person have i?

On a good week i get to see her once.
Not the best case scenario for two people deeply in love, but you know what they say..
absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Like i say.
Bittersweet feels pretty good.

I gotta go rekindle some old ties over the next month.
Gotta get together with the guys.
We've never been so..distanced.
I know they feel bad, because i do.
As gay as it sounds i love these guys, they're family.
At one point more so then my own family.

The Musical's wedged itself in my schedule so much so that i've had little time for them.

So yeah.
Gonna go do that.. .

I'm soo gonna get so much flak for disappearing all these months.
Mona's gonna be all " so NOW you have time"
Ganesh is gonna go " bastard! you think of us only when you're bored la!"


Bittersweet feels pretty good.