Monday, September 22, 2008

The one with the crazy kids.. .

Hey guys,

So here we are.
Vacation's over and gone.
Back to the Grind.

Remember that droopy, desolate feeling you get when you wake up one morning and realize that you're actually tied up, gagged and securely fastened to a railway track with a train due your way in five minutes.. .

Yep. That feeling's back.

Guess life's like that.
Sigh... .

So anyways,
Genting was fun. Actually Genting was the most fun I've had since forever. The last time i had this much fun was.. . we'll i can't remember. I'm making a point here people.. .
So yeah..

There's nothing like spending a weekend in a different country with people you're already over-exposed to as it is. However, in all respects, my weekend was awesome. We took a bus up to Genting from JB. Checked into the hotel around 5 - 6 hours later. Shopped, ate, shopped, did crazy childish stuff, shopped some more and did everything else in between.
I'd love to fill you guys in on what we did every hour but thats already being done by Saras.. . So i'll keep things short..

We. Had. Fun.

We got closer, more familiar with one another and we realized that unfortunately, what we have now won't die off anytime soon. Ultimately, you'd figure that these are the testaments of true friendships.

We took a ton of picture and a coupla recordings and stuff during the weekend. Started off lame but it kinda caught on resulting in chronic Cam-Whoring and a ton off "Podcasts". I've been getting a ton of pressure from many people to post up the pictures we took online but i still have yet to upload anything. I'm in Freakin' camp lah. Its not like i have a freakin laptop or Internet access to upload stuff as and when i please you idiots! You'll get your damn pictures sometime soon ok.

For now though, you get to see a preview of what went on in Genting.. .

Prabs' face got frozen like this the moment she arrived in Genting

Kesaven started to believe he could fly.. .

Aaron didn't understand the rules of bowling.. .

Saras had some seriously insecure moments.. .

Shanty spun out of control.. .

..And finally i realized that i was more Hip hop than RnB.. .

So yeah.
There you go.

Now you believewe had fun?
Hahaha.. .

Ok i'll promise i'll upload the pictures soon ok.
Soon like within the next 24 hrs.

Oh and before we end.. .
One more picture.

My favourite:

Insert "AWWWWWW"