Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lower Spectrums

Hey guys,

Life's a little on the low these days. Haven't had many nice things happen to me lately. Kinda sucks actually. I guess September is one of the low periods in a year. It always seems to be. Like a Deja Vu of what went wrong the previous years. Just thinking about what's wrong with my picture makes me cringe. Ha.

For a start, Imagine this.
The month of August. August started with work and ended with more work. We had the Army Half Marathon preparations followed by the actual Marathon. That literally translated to 3 weekends burnt. Not fun. Of course we did get our Offs in liew...but when your Offs get frozen, you don't have much to work with. Then there was the Change of Command Parade in my Brigade so that too ment that weekends were burnt. Once again not fun. I've only had 2 saturdays to myself the past month and a half. Thats officially worst then BMT in Tekong. Apart from all this my Boss in camp having 24/7 PMS. So every morning we're greeted with " Why the hell is this not done?". Not fun, again.

See , every NSF plows through his month of shit with only one thing in mind: Payday. So me, not unlike my fellow soldier buddies, pushed through thick and thin for the 10th of September. Yesterday. Then i did my usual routine. Bills, Bills, Bills. Normally, Bill would only constitute maybe a third of my pay, but this month is special. Dads having a bit of a struggle with the new job vocation. The pays low but there's all the health benifits and welfare that he needs so yeah. This means that i have to pitch in with the expenses. My sisters getting too costly these days. I have to pay her phone bills along with mine for this month. She "accidentally" overshot the limit this month. The thing is if i don't help her out BOTH our lines are gonna get cut off...agian.

All these plus the maintenence of my own stuff. My laptop's dying. My Bike's dead. Psp's stuck with sony (gonna get it back though). Ipod's almost dead. I officailly have near nothing with me. Kinda sad huh? Payday came in yesterday and ALL of it is gone. All. The best part is i didn't spend a single cent on me. Nothing...

Sometimes i seriously envy all those rich kids. It would be sweet to go through life without ever worrying about money in your wallet or paying some bills. I'm not getting emoy, but seriously, just imagine those of the other end of the spectrum. The Uptowns. Yes Clinton, this means you. Though, contrary to what you think i do still love you.
haha.. .

Guess its time to buckle up for yet another month. I'm actually getting used to rocky and rough. Besides it's not all that bad. I still have the Cinderella people to look foward to every weekend. Then there's Joey's constant hovering in the background. He's out shoppin g in Hong Kong this weekend. Have fun bro, get back safe. Buy me a hoodie that says "GOD". haha. Then there's parmes, who i actually like calling up. Haven't been able to say that about many girls i've met eh... Life in camp is a million times easier when you're teasing me about it herbie. Haha.

So yeah.
Untill things kinda suit up for the better, you have to excuse the snyde, cynical, dark and sarcastic posts mocking the irony thats life.

...and i say that with love.

cheers ya'll