The Best things in life
The Sunrise
Waking in a room full of your friends
Breakfast buffets
That pretty girl that you like walks into the room
The little flower tucked behind her ears
The scent of a woman's hair
GST Bonus
A good book
Rainy nights
Random text messages from your girlfriend
That first kiss
Holding hands for the first time
High Fives from that best buddy
Passing Out Parade
Booking out early from Camp
The morning after your ORD
The last cigarette that you share
Beers after Beers
Looking at girls when they sleep peacefully
Empty Busses
MRT Trains with the lights turned off at night
Long Weekends
Ramly Burgers
Stumbling upon old pictures
Friendships that you know won't end
The First time
Drinking sessions
Mom's cooking
Video Games
That smell that hits you when you enter Starbucks
Mutton Briyani
The invention of streaming porn
That smile you share with your partner-in-crime
Proposing to a girl for the first time
Birthday Wishes
Free Ice Cream
Acoustic Music
Covering the dinner tab for the group
Mini Getaways with the gang
Malaysian Cigarettes
Road Trips
Taxi rides home after a long day at work
Waking up without a hangover
When that pretty girl leans into your for support
Top frag
Linking park
Alone at home
Friends crash
Food Network
That moment you know you're right
Free Wifi
Finding money in your pocket/wallet
Dad thinks you're his best friend
Long MC
Digging your ears
Winning a debate
Punching someone who deserves it
Free Cable Channels
Comic Books
Fresh Pizzas