Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Ugly Truth


Have you seen what love does to a guy?

Have you seen what true love does to a grown ass man?
Its sad.. oh so sad.

See first it starts off with him phasing out in the middle of the day, pupils dilated, mouth agape just thinking and scouring his mind for a logical reason to explain his current situation. His vision burrs up and focussd only on her. Nothing else. This makes him prone to traffic accidents and at times, walking into glass doors.

He talks to himself, his mouth constantly going dry from wet and wet from dry. He smiles at anything beautiful having been convinced that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is more beautiful than her. His friends laugh at him. His mother prays for him, but nothing snaps him out of his love for this particular person.

Then he cries. You must never ever want to see a grown man cry. Its just wrong..He'll cry for this person for some inexplicable reason that normal mindsets cannot comprehend. Its sad i say.
See, all this is only before the woman says "yes"

What happens next is a series of flashes in the man's life. You can almost never see him around anymore. He sleeps in moderation, eats in moderation and there is speculation that he even poops in moderation and all you can see is a smile on his face and deep panda eye bags. (this particular symptom is exaggerated if the man has already had panda eyes).

The man is never at his own place of residence. Suddenly hangout with the boys and late night soccer venues are replace with the best parks and beaches and the most romantic spots on the island. Yes, island. Regardless of the country he resides in or the size of it for that matter, the whole world becomes an island. No distance is too great for the man anymore. Punngol and Jurong is now only a bus ride away. Changi and Ulu Pandan is only a bus, MRT, bus again and walking distance away. He will travel as far as his EZlink and ATM card will take him just to drown in her eyes.

Then tragedy strikes. Things don't work out. The man gets thrown into a whirlpool of despair. He floats mere inches above depression. He goes back to crying and talking to himself. His mother hires a priest to come down and pray for him. His friends bribe him with alcohol and Indian Rojak but to no avail. He resorts to depressing melodies, video games promoting sex and violence and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. He loses a sense of time and at some level personal hygiene. Its months maybe years before he get a hold of himself.

Somedays, the man can be seen phased out and blurry eyed thinking about the good time he had when in love. His mouth will be slightly agape and maybe with a tiny smile plastered on. He'll never truly fall out of love till the next one comes along. Love found is ironically the cure to a love lost.

See what love does to a grown ass man?
It reduces him, confuses him and at some level kills a part of him.
Its ugly i tell you.

.. and i miss it.
