Monday, September 28, 2009


Hey Kids!!

We're going to learn three valuable lessons in life today!!

First lesson!

Class, the internet is a really huge universe that we look at through computers!! Its really big and has really bright colours and pretty pictures. We can do many many MANY things in the internet, like post our thoughts and feelings, play awesome games and watch a million videos! Today we're going to talk about posting our thoughts and feelings! Class! are all of you the same people?


Class! are all of you always thinking the same things?

"NO! NO!"

So we can safely say that you and i think very differently and something you say can mean something very different for me! Is that right children?


Good. Thats the lesson we're going to learn today. When you're posting up tiny little cute messages, try to include who the messages are for! It will save you so much trouble! but it ok, young ones, if you were to put up private messages for someone on a blog. Its totally ok. Just don't be angry when someone else reads it wrongly ok class?

"oK oK!!"

Settle down Settle down! This brings us to or next lesson. A lesson on understanding! We'll use the internet example shall we? Tell me now, children, is it wrong to make mistakes?


Good. Class what do you do when you do make mistakes?

"Err.. we say sorry?"

Excellent! Such polite little darlings i have here! When we make a mistake its a must that we say sorry children. But BE CAREFUL! Do not say sorry for a mistake you did NOT do. Do not! Not ever! Then you'll be known as self obsessed! My golly! Do you want to be self obsessed?

"NO! NO!"

Phew! I thought so. Never ever, my little darlings, make the mistake of a sincere apology for a mistake you didn't make. Always make sure you made the mistake first before apologizing!
Ok? Good We're done with that.

Now, onto our final lesson for the day. We're going to learn about self worth!. Do you like yourselves kids?

"Yes! Yes!, We do!"

I thought so. Now tell me, who is the loudest person you know?

"You are teacher!! You are!"

Haha. Yes indeed i am. Who is the most prettiest and worthiest person you know?

"You are teacher!"

Marvelous! Now who is the most smartest, intellectual, deep and mature person you know?

"again.. You are!! You are teacher!"

Indeed. Now listen my darling children, You are all such bright , sweet,intelligent children. You are caring and kind and i bet you love your friends and family very much don't you? I know you do! Now listen carefully... no matter what you do in life no matter how successful and happy you are in life you must always remember that the world does NOT revolve around you. Ok? Always remember that. No matter where you go in life, i repeat, the world does not revolve around you!


It revolves around me.

Thats all for class this week children. See you next week! We'll talk about friendship! Yes! Yes! now thats for next week, for now why don't you little darlings run along home? Bye bye!!