Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The lonesome legend of the Pied Piper

" Sire be thee in need of a wish and valour?"

The Piper quipped.

" So becometh in time, my duely friend. Who be thee?"
The King retorted with a booming confidence.

" Jones, Sire. Nathan Jones of the borders of the sandlands."

"Fine then 'o Nathan Jones. I shall beset up on you my Kindom's bane and so forth be in your favour i will, my handsome friend, if this death on my house you will promise to still".

And so a pact was made between the piper and the king. He would use his skills and his might to rid the Kingdom of its rodent Plight! How this will be done only our hero knew for he was still being looked upon as a person of a promise untrue. Thus begun the trip up of his, the piper travelled all the way to the harbour. He went atop little one hill, where much to the amazment of the people, he just stood still.

The pipe was brought to his slender lips, needed to be blown to breath life to his notes. He started with a rythem, then formed a rhyme, then sang out loud and then continued with his thine.

"A hum di dum and a little more so, could all you little ones stand behind me in stow? I'll sway and i'll swagger and but you'll follow me still, You'll gaze on me all the way down this little hill"

He sang and he danced and he sang and he danced yet nothing seemed to happen!. Then there was silence. Eerie silence that continued for a second longer then was comfortable. Then they heard it. Oh did they hear it! Thousads and thousands and thousands of small, squeaks and scratched. A dark black mass was scurrying from town up the hill to the piper. Rats rodents and even mice. All glazed and seemed in a stupor. All swawed and swayed to an inaudiable music. A magical music.

The Piper turned on his heel and begun a chuckle, that became a laugh and soon a wail. He quipped his pipe and begun a tune then slowly and steadily he marched to the harbour. The rats and rodents and little mice too followed this unusual pied piper still very much in a stupor. The piper marched toward the pier and sea, then he signalled for all the rodents and rats to jump and drown. One by one at first then two by two, then four by four and soon enough, the rats were rushing at full force to their death.

Hah! the sweet smell of victory mixed withthe foul of the pier and the rats.

The people rejoiced and the people were happy.
Need be they though the piper was a wizard, a mage a dull handsome sorcerer.

"Nay people of this land, for i am but a man with his weakenss and his strength"
The Piper would say.

"How sweet the air around me and how lovely the need to be. but i have to go see your king now, so would you please let me? "
The Piper would laugh.

The people of the land loved their new hero, they adored him. One even sent his daughter for his hand! The piper however, only had one thing in mind. He was intent on collecting that favour from the Kinfg of Forty Three. So march on to the Kigdome did he!